The Justin Goldsby Highgate General Contractors

Hiring a general contractor is an important decision for any homeowner. There are a few things to consider, including Goods, Bads, Costs, and Timeline. Hopefully this article will help you make the best choice for your construction needs. Good luck! There are many good contractors out there, but how do you choose the right one for your project?

Correctional Officers

Justin Goldsby was arrested and convicted of assault and other crimes in 2009. While serving his sentence, Goldsby was involved in 20 altercations with correctional officers. This caused him to be transferred to several prisons, including the Airway Heights Correctional Center in Washington. His crimes were investigated by the Washington State Patrol and he later apologized to the victims’ families.

Shane Goldsby has been convicted of the murder of Robert Munger. Munger was serving a 43-year prison sentence for rape, child molestation, and possession of child pornography. Although both men had a history of violence and were in prison together, they were not aware of each other’s connections. Shane Goldsby’s lawyer said that he sincerely regrets his actions.

Prison Ccommon Area

The attack occurred while they were in a prison common area. Goldsby punched Munger fourteen times and stomped on his head four times. The assault left Munger unconscious and he died a few days later. Goldsby admitted to the crime and was sentenced to 298 months in prison, which is about 25 years. During his sentencing, Goldsby apologized to the family of Munger.

Goldsby told a reporter about his abuse years before the incident. He said that Munger taunted him with details of his abuse. He apologized to Munger’s family at the sentencing hearing. Goldsby said he was abused by his drug-addicted mother. His abuse led him through ten foster homes. After the court case, Goldsby reconnected with his mother. But when she heard about the crimes, she turned to drugs. Eventually, Goldsby was in jail, and he was transferred to the Airway Heights prison.

Motives Behind the Slaying

Police are still questioning the motives behind the slaying. While Goldsby admitted that he had no motive to kill Munger, he had been aware of photos of him raping a woman. Then, he knocked Munger down and repeatedly stomped on his head until he died of his injuries just days later.

Goldsby’s criminal record is extensive. He was previously convicte of stealing a police car and abusing a correctional officer. He is schedul to be transfer to Airway Height Correctional Center in June 2020. While he has a lengthy criminal history, he claims that he did not mean to hurt Munger and only had the best of intentions.

Committed Other Crimes

Robert Munger 70 had been serve a 43 year prison term for child sex crimes when he was brutally murder by Shane Goldsby. He raped Goldsby’s sister and committed other crimes, including possessing child pornography.

Justin Goldsby had spent several years in foster care in Washington state, and had multiple criminal convictions, including rape and sexual abuse. He was convicte of the murder of Munger in December of 2019. During his sentencing, Goldsby apologized to the family of Munger and apologized for the violence he committed. Goldsby has been sentence to a minimum of three years in prison.

Prosecution And Defense Stipulated

In the plea deal, the prosecution and defense stipulated to a sentence of over 25 years for Goldsby, with three years of parole after serving his sentence. The sentence also requires him to pay restitution to the family of Munger. The exact amount of this restitute will be determine later.

The Washington State Patrol conducted an investigation into the incident. They determined that the corrections staff followed protocol and did not know of the conflict between the two men. They also found that both men did not attempt to be transfer from the cell. An inmate who witnessed the initial interactions between the two men said that the men were talking about Goldsby’s mother.

Last Words:

Justin Goldsby is a famous business who was arrest for murder. He was convicte of second degree murder and sentenced to more than 25 years in prison. His crimes stemmed from his mother’s drug addiction, and he was in and out of foster homes. He was also once convicted of rape and attempted murder. Despite his convictions, Goldsby has managed to turn his life around. He has since been release from prison and is currently working as a businessman read more.